Environment & Regulatory Services

Environment & Regulatory Services

All fees are inclusive of GST where applicable

 Health Inspections

Note: Not for profit school canteens/not for profit charities – Reinspection and Improvement Notice Administration Fee/Statutory Fees still apply

DescriptionTotal Fee   GST
Food Premises/Business Annual Administration Fee $47.50 N
Not for profit School Canteens * $0.00 N
Not for profit - charities $0.00 N
Additional hourly rate for food premise inspections $171.00 N
Additional kitchen (on same premises) $105.00 N
Food Act Improvement Notice Administration Fee - Statutory fee $330.00 N
Reinspection $105.00 N
Hairdresser/Beauty salon inspection fee - Local Govt. Act (Non-Skin Penetration Premises) $128.00 N
Reinspection Hairdresser/Beauty salon inspection fee (No skin penetration) Local Govt. Act $78.50 N
Skin penetration inspection fee - Public Health Act $179.00 N
Reinspection Skin penetration - Public Health Act $103.00 N
Mortuary Inspection $179.00 N
Mortuary Reinspection $103.00 N
Sex Service Premises - Health & Compliance Inspection per hour $335.00 N
Note: Should a sex premise obtain development consent, it shall be inspected by Council Officers every six (6) months or when Council receives a complaint about the operations. Two Council Officers will inspect and fee charged in one hour increments.
Cost of outstanding Health Notices $149.00 N
Health Notices/Enquiries $149.00 N
Section 735A Outstanding Notice Certificate $120.00 N
Public Health Act Improvement Notice/Prohibition Order Administration Fee (non regulated systems - Statutory fee) $290.00 N
Food Premises/Business Inspection Fee 
Level 0 - low risk food business (Up to 1 hour) $144.00 N
Level 1 - medium and high risk food business (Up to 1 hour) $182.00 N
Not for profit School Canteens * $0.00 N
Temporary Food Stall in a Public Place 
Temporary Food Stall Single Event Approval $101.00 N
Temporary Food Stall Annual Approval $182.00 N
Food Trading Public Roads Approval $335.00 N
Food Stall reinspection Fee $76.00 N
Food Notification (temporary food stalls not on Council land) $56.00 N
Destruction of Stock
Horses and Cattle At Full Cost Recovery N
Sheep and Goats At Full Cost Recovery N

 Shop Fitouts / Food Premises Inspections

DescriptionTotal Fee   GST
Food Premises Inspections 
Food Premises - Shop Fitout Inspection (pre-commencement) $182.00 N
Reinspection $105.00 N
Other Shop Fitout Inspections $182.00 N

(eg. e.g. skin pen/hairdressers/barbers/cooling towers/public swimming pools/mortuaries)

 Microbial Control Inspections

DescriptionTotal Fee   GST
Cooling Towers (water testing) $78.50 N
Cooling Tower Inspection $179.00 N
Warm Water System Inspection $179.00 N
Subsequent Units On Same Site Inspection $89.50 N
Additional Reinspection $179.00 N
Public Health Act Improvement Notice/Prohibition Order Administration Fee - Regulated system $620.00 N

 Swimming Pool Compliance

DescriptionTotal Fee   GST
(a) Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate (sec 22D) $150.00 Y
(b) Swimming Pool Compliance Certificate Re-inspection (sec 22D) $100.00 Y
(c) Exemption under Sec.22 $250.00 N
(d) Swimming pool online registration (Administration Fee) $10.00 Y

 Septic Tank Installations (Domestic)

Domestic Installation Package (not incl. SEAA Application Fee)

Assessment + 4 Inspections + Approval to Operate

DescriptionTotal Fee   GST
Application $434.00 N
Inspection $182.00 N
Installation Inspections (maximum of 3 inspections included) $532.00 N
Approval to Operate $77.50 N
Total Package $1,230.00 N
Note: total package must be paid together
Additional inspections / Reinspections $182.00 N
Septic Tank Installations (Domestic) | Amended septic tank application fee 
Amended septic tank application fee - Major (Does not include inspections) $358.00 N
Amended septic tank application fee - Minor (Does not include inspections) $171.00 N
Amended septic tank application - Additional inspections / Reinspections $182.00 N

 Septic Tank Installations (Commercial)

Note: fees are based on infrastructure cost

DescriptionTotal FeeGST
Package Fee - For Infrastructure Cost < $20,000 $1,815.00 N
Assessment + 4 inspections + Approval to Operate
Package Fee - For Infrastructure Cost between $20,000 - $100,000 $3,290.00 N
Assessment + 4 inspections + Approval to Operate
Package Fee - For Infrastructure Cost > $100,000 $3,400.00 N
Assessment + 4 inspections + Approval to Operate
External Consultancy Fees - engaged by Council At Full Cost Recovery N
Inspections/additional inspection/reinspections $182.00 N
Septic Tank Installations (Commercial) | Amended on-site sewer management (OSSM) system application Fee 
Minor Amendment - Infrastructure cost < $20,000 (does not include inspections) $171.00 N
Minor Amendment - Infrastructure cost $20,000 - $100,000 (does not include inspections) $280.00 N
Minor Amendment - Infrastructure cost > $100,000 (does not include inspections) $335.00 N
Major Amendment - Infrastructure cost < $20,000 (does not include inspections) $358.00 N
Major Amendment - Infrastructure cost $20,000 - $100,000 (does not include inspections) $620.00 N
Major Amendment - Infrastructure cost > $100,000 (does not include inspections) $739.00 N

Water Supply - Section 68 LGA Applications (Commercial)

Note: Fees are based on Infrastructure cost

DescriptionTotal FeeGST
Package Fee - For Infrastructure Cost < $20,000 $1,815.00 N
Assessment + 4 inspections + Approval to Operate
Package Fee - For Infrastructure Cost between $20,000 - $100,000 $3,290.00 N
Assessment + 4 inspections + Approval to Operate
Package Fee - For Infrastructure Cost > $100,000 $3,400.00 N
Assessment + 4 inspections + Approval to Operate
External Consultancy Fees - engaged by Council At Full Cost Recovery N
Inspections/additional inspection/reinspections $182.00 N
Water supply inspection fee (ongoing inspection fee) – per hour – minimum 1 hour $182.00
Amended Section 68 Water Supply Application Fee
Minor Amendment - Infrastructure cost < $20,000 (does not include inspections) $171.00 N
Minor Amendment - Infrastructure cost $20,000 - $100,000 (does not include inspections) $280.00 N
Minor Amendment - Infrastructure cost > $100,000 (does not include inspections) $335.00 N
Major Amendment - Infrastructure cost < $20,000 (does not include inspections) $358.00 N
Major Amendment - Infrastructure cost $20,000 - $100,000 (does not include inspections) $620.00 N
Major Amendment - Infrastructure cost > $100,000 (does not include inspections) $739.00 N

Water Carters Approval

DescriptionTotal FeeGST
Water Carters Inspection Fee - Per Hour - minimum - 1 hour $182.00 N

Approval to Operate Septic Tank under s68 of the Local Government Act

DescriptionTotal FeeGST
Conventional systems (T beds, Trenches etc.) - Residential - per annum includes first inspection $77.50 N
AWTS - per annum Residential - per annum includes first inspection + 1 effluent warning sign per inspection $77.50 N
Subsequent Inspection fees for Residential Properties $182.00 N
Commercial System - per annum Plus Hourly Rate for Inspection and assessment $83.50 N
Commercial System (pump out) - per hour - minimum 1 hour $182.00 N
Commercial System (on-site disposal) (per hour) - minimum 1 hour $182.00 N
External Consultancy Fees (engaged by Council) At Full Cost Recovery N

 Miscellaneous Septic Tank Charges

DescriptionTotal FeeGST
Request for a Sustainable Effluent Application Area - Residential - Price per system (Administration Fee) $93.50 N
Request for a Sustainable Effluent Application Area (SEAA) - Per Allotment for Proposed Subdivision (Administration Fee) $93.50 N
Pre-purchase Inspection $292.00 N
Out of Hours Inspection - Pre-booked $368.00 N
Order/Proposal from Council to replace Septic System (per hour) $182.00 N
External Consultancy Geotech report as required (Orders & Proposals engaged by Council) At Full Cost Recovery N
Wastewater Analysis At Full Cost Recovery N
Effluent Warning Signs (each) $6.30 N

 Water Sampling

DescriptionTotal Fee   GST
Determination of potable supply $225.00 N
Swimming Pools and Spas  
Minimum 3 bacteriological test per pool $204.00 N
Water quality initial pool (primary inspection & test) $166.00 N
Water quality additional pools (test & inspection) $84.00 N
Reinspection Swimming Pools and Spas 
Water quality initial pool (test & reinspection) $166.00 N
Water quality additional pools (test & reinspection) $84.00 N
Facilities and grounds only (no water testing conducted) $78.50 N

Environmental Enforcement / Inspections

DescriptionTotal FeeGST
Prevention Notices $803.00 N
Compliance Inspections (per hour, minimum 1 hr) $171.00 N
Clean up Notices $803.00 N
Compliance Cost/Clean up - cost of clean up At Full Cost Recovery N
Noise Control Notices $803.00 N
Underground Petroleum Storage Systems (UPSS) and/or Vapour Recovery Inspection $182.00 N
Underground Petroleum Storage Systems (UPSS) and/or Vapour Recovery Re-inspection $103.00 N
Special events (out of office hours) (min. 4 Hours) 
Note: Staff costs include on-costs, but excludes plant & materials costs.
Professional Staff $653.00 N
Administration Staff $261.00 N
Operational Staff $205.00 N
Plant & Materials At Cost N

Noxious Weeds Certification

DescriptionTotal Fee   GST
Issue Certificates $151.00 N
Re-inspection fees $166.00 N

Dog & Cat Registration Fees (Under Companion Animals Act)

Note: registration fees are subject to change in accordance with clause 18 of the Companion Animals Regulation 2018

DescriptionTotal Fee   GST
Dog - Registration fee (by 12 weeks or when sold if earlier than 12wk) $78.00 N
Dog - Additional Fee (dog not desexed by 6 months) $184.00 N
Dog - Registration (by eligible pensioner) $34.00 N
Dog - Desexed (sold / transferred from pound/shelter or rehoming Organisation) $0.00 N
Dog - Registration Combined fees (for not Desexing dog by 6 months) $262.00 N
Dog - Registrations (not recommended) $78.00 N
Dog - Registration (not recommended eligible pensioner) $34.00 N
Dog - Registration (recognised breeder) $78.00 N
Dog - Working $0.00 N
Dog - Service of the State $0.00 N
Assistance Animal $0.00 N
Cat - Registration fee (by 12 weeks or when sold if earlier than 12wk) $68.00 N
Cat - Registration (eligible pensioner) $34.00 N
Cat - Desexed (sold / transferred from pound/shelter or rehoming Organisation) $0.00 N
Cat - Registration (not recommended) $68.00 N
Cat - Registration (not recommended - eligible pensioner) $34.00 N
Cat - Registration (recognised breeder) $68.00 N
Registration late fee $22.00 N
Annual permit category    
Cat (not desexed by four months of age) $96.00 N
Dangerous dog $230.00 N
Restricted dog $230.00 N
Permit late fee $22.00 N

Dog & Cat Control

DescriptionTotal FeeGST
Dog release fee first Impounding $0.00 N
Dog release fee for second and subsequent Impounding $44.00 N
Feeding Fee per day - Dog Companion Animal Care Facility Set Fees N
Feeding fee per day - Cat Companion Animal Care Facility set fees N
Surrender fee Min. Fee (excl. GST):$250.00 N
Dog Adoption Fee   Dog Adoption Fee Y  
The fee includes purchase, price, vaccination, desexing, microchipping and lifetime registration
Min. Fee (excl. GST):$45.45
Cat Adoption Fee   Cat Adoption Fee Y  
The fee includes purchase price, vaccination, desexing, microchipping and lifetime registration
Min. Fee(excl. GST):$45.45
Certificate of Compliance $150.00 N

Animal Stock Impounding Fees

DescriptionTotal FeeGST
Animal Stock Impounding Fees | Release Fees 
Bull  Min. Fee (excl. GST):$25.00 N
Stallion Min. Fee (excl. GST):$25.00 N
Cow/Steer Min. Fee (excl. GST):$25.00 N
Mare/Gelding Min. Fee (excl. GST):$25.00 N
Sheep/Goat/Pig Min. Fee (excl. GST):$20.00 N
Sustenance (Per Day) Fee 
Bull Sustenance (Per Day) & Vet Care Full cost recovery N
Stallion Sustenance (Per Day) & Vet Care Full cost recovery N
Cow/Steer Sustenance (Per Day) & Vet Care Full cost recovery N
Mare/Gelding Sustenance (Per Day) & Vet Care Full cost recovery N
Sheep/Goat/Pig Sustenance (Per Day) & Vet Care Full cost recovery N
Driving fees 
Portable Stockyards used by customer - supplied by Council $90.00 per hour N
Rates for transport of animals - supplied by Council $90.00 per hour N
Rates for transport of animals Transport by a contractor at full cost recovery N

Dangerous Dog Collar

DescriptionTotal Fee   GST
Small $41.50 Y
Medium $46.50 Y
Large $52.00 Y
X-Large $57.50 Y

Dangerous Dog Sign

DescriptionTotal Fee   GST
Dangerous Dog Sign $15.00 Y

Abandoned Motor Vehicles

DescriptionTotal Fee   GST
Abandoned motor vehicle fee includes administration, transport, and storage At full cost recovery N
Release Fee $97.00 Y

Impounded Articles (signs etc.)

DescriptionTotal Fee   GST
Impounded Articles Large Items e.g.: trolleys, shipping containers & clothing bins Includes administration, seizure, transport, and storage   At Cost N
Release Fee (large size articles) $97.00 N
Storage per day $23.00 N
Release Fee (Standard Size Articles) $97.00 N
Removal per hour (1 hour minimum) $50.00 N