Local Government Elections

2024 Council Election

The next local government elections are scheduled to take place on Saturday, 14 September 2024. Further information about these elections is available on the NSW Electoral Commission (NSWEC) website and the Office of Local Government (OLG) website.

The NSWEC, in consultation with Camden Council, will administer the Camden Council election for 2024.

Council is composed of nine Councillors across three Wards (North, Central and South Ward). Electors in a Ward elect the Councillors for that Ward. 

The NSWEC is now seeking expressions of interest from people who would like to work at the elections.

If you are interested, you can submit an application through the NSWEC website.

Information for Candidates 

Do you have an interest in representing your community as a Councillor for Camden Council?

Camden Council, in association with Local Government NSW, will be facilitating a Pre-Election Candidate Briefing for those interested in becoming a Councillor to gain a better understanding of a Councillor’s roles and responsibilities.

The Candidate Briefing will be held on Monday, 29 July 2024 from 5.30pm to 9.00pm in the Council Chambers, at Council’s Administration Building, 70 Central Avenue, Oran Park.

For more information on the briefing please visit the Pre-Election Candidate Briefing page.

Women for Election are facilitating an Online Candidate Training event for women who are focused on the NSW Local Government elections. The training is scheduled via Zoom over two Wednesday evenings on 24 July and 31 July 2024, from 6.00pm to 8.30pm. For more information on the event please visit the Women for Election website.

For more information on the role of a Councillor, please visit the OLG website. The OLG also has a webpage on Becoming a Councillor.

The process for the nomination of candidates and registered political parties is administered by the NSWEC. For more information regarding candidate eligibility, nomination processes, registered political parties and electoral material, please visit the NSWEC website or contact the NSWEC Candidate Helpdesk from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday by phone on 1300 022 011 or via email at candidates@elections.nsw.gov.au.

A series of online candidate information sessions will be delivered by the NSWEC. Details of these sessions are available on the NSWEC website.

Diversity in Local Government

The NSW Government is committed to encouraging people from all backgrounds to stand for their local community to increase diversity in local government. Please visit the Becoming a Councillor webpage on the Office of Local Government website for more information.

Disclosures of political donations

The NSWEC website details political donations and electoral expenditure disclosed by political parties, elected members of Parliament and local Councils, candidates for election, third-party campaigners and political donors at State and local government elections. This information can be accessed at Lodging Disclosures | Pre-election, Half-Yearly & Annually - NSW Electoral Commission.

Information for Electors

Residential Roll

If you are a resident of the Camden Local Government Area (LGA), you can check your enrolment details are up to date by visiting the NSWEC website. After checking your enrolment, you can sign up to the NSWEC’s free election reminder service to receive SMS and email reminders about NSW State and local government elections relevant to your enrolled address. 

If you are an eligible voter, it is compulsory to vote in the Camden Council election. Details about who is eligible to vote are available on the NSWEC website.

Non-residential Rolls 

If you are not a resident of the Camden LGA, you may be entitled to vote if you own, occupy or lease property in the Camden LGA as a corporation, business or individual.

More information regarding the enrolment of non-residential electors can be found by visiting the NSWEC website and also viewing this Fact Sheet. It is not compulsory to be on a non-residential roll if you are eligible to be on one, and even if you are on a non-residential roll it is not compulsory to vote.

If you applied to be on a non-residential roll previously and are still qualified to be on that roll, you will be included on the new roll for the 14 September 2024 Camden Council election.

You can apply to be on a non-residential roll for the Camden LGA by completing the relevant form below:

Please note that all applications to enrol as a non-resident elector are required to be received by Council by 6.00pm on Monday 5 August 2024.

Postal Voting

Postal vote applications can be made from 6 August 2024 and must be received by the NSWEC by 5pm, Monday 9 September 2024.

The eligibility criteria for postal voting and instructions for how to register as a general postal voter are detailed on the NSWEC website. Details for how to apply to vote by post only for the 2024 local government elections will be published by the NSWEC in 2024.

Pre-Poll (Early) Voting Eligibility

The eligibility criteria for pre-poll (early) voting are detailed on the NSWEC website. The dates and locations of the pre-poll voting for Camden Council will be confirmed in 2024.

Other Voting Options

Information about other voting options is available on the NSWEC website.

Ward Boundaries 

Council is required to keep its ward boundaries under review and ensure that, prior to an election, the number of electors entitled to vote in the Camden LGA does not differ by more than 10% between wards. The alteration of boundaries is managed by the NSWEC.

Following a period of public exhibition, at its Ordinary Meeting of 10 October 2023 Council adopted a ward boundary amendment that will take effect from the Camden Council election on 14 September 2024 and apply to the following term of Council from 2024-2028.

The amended map of ward boundaries for the 2024 election is provided as an interactive map below. The map indicates the location of each Ward and the suburbs within that Ward. You can also search for a location by entering the address into the search bar. Use the plus (+) and minus (-) symbols in the map to zoom in and out.

Polling places for the 14 September 2024 election will be published on this map in 2024 once they are confirmed.

Key Dates for 2024 Local Government Elections

 5 August 2024

Start of regulated period for electoral material


Candidate nominations open (8am)


Close of electoral rolls (6pm)

6 August 2024

Postal vote applications open

14 August 2024

Close of candidate nominations (12pm)


Registration of electoral materials commences

16 August 2024

Caretaker period commences

6 September 2024

Registration of electoral material closes (5pm)

7 September 2024

Pre-poll voting opens (note: days and times will vary for each location)


Telephone voting registration and voting opens

9 September 2024

Postal vote applications close (5pm)

13 September 2024

Pre-poll voting closes (note: times will vary for each location)


Telephone voting registration closes 

14 September 2024

Election day (8am-6pm)


Telephone voting closes (1pm)

Regulated period for electoral material ends (6pm)

Caretaker period ends

27 September 2024

Return of postal votes closes (6pm) 

1 – 3 October 2024

Results declared progressively as counts finalised by election manager

15 October 2024

Ordinary Meeting of Council to elect the Mayor (and if required, a Deputy Mayor) 

The NSWEC also publishes a timeline of key dates on its website which includes additional information. Also available on the website is a list of frequently asked questions for voters.

Further information about the 2024 local government elections will be uploaded on this page as it becomes available.

2021 Council Election

The local government elections last took place on Saturday 4 December 2021. The results for the office of Councillor for Camden Council were declared on 21 December 2021. The results can be found on the NSWEC website and the details of the elected Councillors can be found on Council’s website here.

The most recent Ordinary Meeting of Council to elect a Mayor and a Deputy Mayor took place on 12 September 2023. Cr Ashleigh Cagney was elected as Mayor and Cr Therese Fedeli was elected as Deputy Mayor for the period until September 2024.