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Funds secure pedestrian safety improvements

Pedestrian safety improvements are on their way to Cobbitty Road, after Council received more than $100,000 in funding from Transport NSW.

Council secures touchless water bubbler and refill station

Camden Council continues to adapt to an ever-changing, COVID-influenced environment, securing funding for an exciting new safety-focused gadget for future events.
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Camden’s Memorial Gates facelift completed

Camden’s historic Memorial Gates, at Onslow Oval, are looking as new as ever, after receiving a face-lift recently.
Mayors Christmas Card Comp

Get artistic and enter Mayoral Christmas Card competition

Mayor of Camden, Cr Theresa Fedeli, needs some assistance in designing her 2020 Christmas cards, and is inviting some special local students to help her.

Celebrate a special NAIDOC Week this November

It’s finally time to officially celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, through a belated NAIDOC Week next week.
Julia Reserve Youth Precinct

Julia Reserve wins national excellence award

Oran Park’s Julia Reserve Youth Precinct has taken out yet another award win, proving Camden residents can enjoy the best of the best right here.
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Pip visits Camden Mayor to remind residents about cat desexing

Camden’s own curious kitty, Pip, paid a special visit to Mayor of Camden, Cr Theresa Fedeli, recently, to help remind residents about the importance of cat desexing.
Christmas Lights Display

Keep calm, Christmas Lights Competition now open

Jingle all the way to your attic and dust off those decorations, because entries to Camden Council’s annual Christmas Lights Competition are now open!

Residents reminded to recycle on national week

Recycling will take centre stage next week, as we celebrate Planet Ark’s National Recycling Week.