Celebrating Our Local Heroes

Celebrating Our Local Heroes was on display in Camden's town centre until 31 October 2023.

The curated streetside exhibition featured artworks created by the local community including photography, visual art, and poetry. Artworks were displayed on guard rails, planter boxes, bus shelters, and bins along Argyle, Mitchell, Murray, and Oxley Streets. The exhibition provided a colourful streetscape and opportunity for visitors and locals to admire the talent of the community.

The Celebrating Our Local Heroes theme acknowledges the people in our lives and throughout history that have been integral in shaping our culture, community, and us as individuals. People such as parents, leaders, Elders, historic characters, and friends are amongst those who have inspired, shared tradition and culture, and helped us to understand our ancestry, values, and heritage, leading us to grow as individuals.

View the Celebrating Our Local Heroes catalogue here.


If you would like to receive information about similar opportunities for artists and creatives, please register yourself on the Creative at Camden Directory.  If you have any questions about the newest Camden Kerbside Exhibition, please email creative@camden.nsw.gov.au

Camden Kerbside Exhibition Footer