
Volunteering in your local community

Volunteers are the backbone of our community, often contributing countless hours. Their dedication, service and commitment are priceless. By volunteering your time, you’ll get to know your local community better and have the chance to make great connections along the way. Volunteering is an opportunity to learn new skills and find new projects you can get passionate about.

Why volunteer with Camden Council?

Our Camden community is rapidly growing. As our community grows, so too do the opportunities to give back and help your neighbour. When you volunteer with us here at Camden Council, you work with us to improve the lives of Camden Council residents. We value and appreciate all our volunteer staff.  At Council, we aim to support our volunteers, we recognise their hard work and the contributions they make.

More Information


National Volunteer Week 2024

National Volunteer Week is Australia's largest annual celebration of volunteers and their important contribution to our communities. This year's theme is Something for Everyone.

Council will be offering a range of events for this year's National Volunteer Week including a Volunteer Expo. Please keep an eye out for more information!


How to get started?

  1. Read through the Volunteer with Us section to see what opportunities we offer at Council.  
  2. Once you have found the role that’s right for you, go to our Volunteer Vacancies page. Be sure to fill out an Expression of Interest form and our Volunteer Program Coordinator will get in contact with you.
  3. If you are not sure and would like more information, please contact the Volunteer Program Coordinator on 13 CAMDEN  (13 226336) , or 0418 958 752. Alternatively you may email your enquiry to volunteers@camden.nsw.gov.au
  4. If you are unable to find an opportunity with Council that suits your lifestyle, please read through the More Information section to explore other volunteering opportunities.

What to expect?

  • Have a chat with our Volunteer Program Coordinator

Once you have found a volunteer role that interests you at Council, the Volunteer Program Coordinator will get in contact to arrange an initial phone interview. This meeting is a great opportunity for you to ask any questions and find out more about the volunteering position and the requirements of the role.

  • Getting to know your Volunteer Supervisor

This step gives you the opportunity to attend a meeting/interview with your volunteer supervisor. It’s a great way to be introduced to your volunteer workplace, get a feel for what your role will look like and ask your supervisor any questions.

  • Your Registration Pack

Most volunteer positions require you to complete paperwork prior to commencing your role. Your registration pack ensures you are aware of your rights and responsibilities in your volunteer role with Council. It provides Council with information about you so that we can keep you informed and safe in your volunteer role with us.

  • Induction and Training 

Prior to commencing volunteering with Council, you will receive inductions and training suitable to your role. This will usually include work health and safety training; code of conduct training; volunteer handbook training; an onsite induction; and any other training relevant to your position.

  • Other pre-volunteering requirements 

Many organisations require you to complete pre-volunteer checks such as criminal record checks; Working with Children checks or health checks prior to commencing your volunteering role. While this may seem unusual, these checks are required for legal and insurance purposes. They protect volunteers, organisations and members of the community. They are a great way to ensure that everyone volunteering is honest and suitable for their volunteering role.

  • Ongoing Support and Recognition  

As a Council volunteer, you will be given clear direction about who to contact if you come across any issues with your volunteering role. We will support you and provide ongoing training as part of your position. At Council, we value and appreciate all the hard work our volunteers do. We actively promote and encourage volunteer recognition and look for ways to say "Thank You!"

Volunteering with us

Bushcare Program

Camden Bushcare is an environmental volunteer program set up by Council to encourage local communities to actively participate in managing and maintaining the remnant urban bushland areas in the Camden Local Government Area.

Volunteers are welcome to join any Bushcare Group currently working in bushland areas. Current locations include: 

  • Camden Town Farm

Exeter Street, Camden
Second Sunday of the month
9am to 12pm

  • Harrington Forest

Scanlon Crescent, Harrington Park
Third Saturday of the month
9am to 12pm

  • Kings Bush Reserve

Chellaston Street, Camden
Every Tuesday and first Sunday of the month
9am to 12pm

  • Parrotts Farm

Richardson Rd, Narellan (Next to RFS Station)
Second Friday of the month
9am to 12pm

  • Ron Dine Reserve

McCrae Drive (and Cowper Drive), Camden South
Third Friday of the month
9am to 12pm

  • Sickles Creek Reserve

Sickles Drive, Grasmere
Last Sunday of the month
9am to 12pm

  • ​​​​​​​Spring Farm Bush Corridor

Hampshire Boulevard, Spring Farm
Second Saturday of the month
9am to 12pm

Bushcare Groups are led by qualified bushland supervisors. Tools and materials are provided on-site. No experience is necessary, just enthusiasm and the desire to participate in the restoration of the unique heritage and character of Camden’s bushland. Residents may also nominate to set up a Bushcare Group in their locality.

Download the Bushcare Program flyer for further information.

All Bushcare program volunteers are provided with ongoing training and support in their role.

Camden Visitor Information Centre

Brett Atkins 2015 small

Camden Visitor Information Centre provides a range of information for the tourist and traveller alike, including accommodation in the area, local attractions, upcoming events, and other services as required.

Volunteers at the centre play an important part in delivering a great customer service experience to tourists. They provide assistance with the daily operations of the centre by:

  • Welcoming visitors to the centre
  • Answering questions about what to see and do in Camden
  • Assisting with telephone and mail enquiries

All Visitor Information Centre volunteers are provided with ongoing training and support in their role.

Alan Baker Art Gallery


The Alan Baker Art Gallery in Camden is situated in the historic Victorian Gentleman’s Townhouse, ‘Macaria’ and provides an opportunity to showcase the work of local Australian artist, Alan Baker.

Through our collection and program of public art workshops in Camden the Alan Baker Art Gallery has established itself as a vibrant part of Camden’s cultural precinct. The Gallery is a space which connects local artists in Macarthur, fosters emerging artists and promotes art in Camden.

Volunteers at the Art Gallery play an important part in delivering a great customer service experience to patrons. They provide assistance with the daily operations of the Gallery by:

  • Welcoming visitors to the centre
  • Providing information front desk services
  • Assisting gallery customers with enquiries
  • Providing information about the collection on display to customers

All Art Gallery volunteers are provided with ongoing training and support in their role.


library cropped

Camden Council libraries offer a variety of services and programs for the Camden Community. With locations at Camden, Narellan and Oran Park.

There are a variety of volunteer roles across various library locations. The following programs provide volunteer opportunities:

  • Youth Programs
  • Tech Help
  • Recording Studio Program
  • Home Library Service
  • Shelving operations
  • Camden Local studies program

All library programs volunteers are provided with ongoing training and support in their role.

Committees and Reference Groups

If you would like to be involved in decision making processes around the use of some of Camden Council’s facilities or the delivery of Council funded programs, then volunteering to be a member of a Community Advisory Committee or Reference group may be just the thing for you. 

Council is currently undertaking nominations for expressions of interest to become a committee or group member. To nominate please click on the link below:

Panels, Committees and Advisory Groups | Your Voice Camden

As vacancies become available, they will appear on our Volunteer Vacancies page.

If you would like further information on any of Council’s Volunteer programs, please contact the Volunteer Program Coordinator on 02 4654 777 or email your enquiry to volunteers@camden.nsw.gov.au

Volunteer Vacancies

  • Camden Bushcare Program
  • Library Volunteers - Tech Support 

Volunteer Expression of Interest

Along with the new development of the Volunteer Management System (VMS), there will be three drop-in sessions organised across different dates, times and locations, to educate and provide insight into the improvements. Dates, times and locations are as below:

Session 1:


  • Tuesday 23 July
  • Tuesday 30 July

Time: 11am - 1pm 

Location: Narellan Library

Session 2:


  • Thursday 25 July 
  • Thursday 1 August 

Time: noon - 2pm 

Location: Camden Library 

Session 3:


  • Friday 26 July 
  • Friday 2 August 

Time: 2pm - 4pm 

Location: Oran Park Library 

 Privacy Statement

The Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act, 1998 (PPIPA) provides for the protection of personal information, and for the privacy of individuals. Personal information provided to Council is protected under the PPIPA. Health information is as defined in section 6 of the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (HRIPA). Any personal and health information you provide to Council is being collected for administrative and assessment purposes. It will be used by Council staff and shared with emergency services (if required) for those purposes.