Preparing an event plan

An event organiser is responsible for compiling an event plan and submitting a draft at the beginning of the application process. The size, scope and complexity of an event will determine what elements to include in the event plan. This section outlines the compulsory requirements, as well as other areas you may need to address. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and you may be required to provide additional information.

An event plan checklist is available to assist in determining which elements are relevant to your event. Completing the event plan is your responsibility however the Events team will assist as necessary.

Event details overview

The event details overview section of your event plan should provide a high level summary to give the Events team a broader understanding of your event.

Information in this part of your plan should include:

  • event name
  • event locations
  • a description of your event
  • nature of attendance (public or private event)
  • event times and dates (including bump-in and bump-out)
  • an overview of your event’s key entertainment and activities
  • target audience
  • estimated attendance.

Event running sheet

A running sheet sets the timing and sequence of your event so that you, the Events team and other key stakeholders know what is happening and when. A good running sheet includes a timeline of the event production schedule including bump-in/bump-out, event timings, locations and program details.

Contact list

A contact list is necessary and should outline all of the key contacts for the event, including but not limited to staff, volunteers, contractors, stakeholders and public authorities (if applicable). It is also essential to add in any emergency contact details, including but not limited to 000. This contact list can be included in your Event running sheet.